Today ie, dt. 07. 03. 2016 on the chamber of D.R. R.K.Lallianthanga, Chief Scientific Officer, Directorate of Sciense & Technology, a gathering was held among the staff and talk about the upcoming solar eclipse that will happen on dt. 09. 03. 2016. (Wednesday) Chief Scientific Officer, Dr.R.K.Lallianthanga addressed the gathering stating that celestial events are to be studied and be made known to the public that these events are not dangerous. The upcoming eclipse is to take place in the morning for a short duration in our state, Mizoram. As the moon is to be sandwiched between the sun and the earth, it will be a solar eclipse.
A presentation about solar eclipse was given by Pu Lalrammawia, Educational Assistant, Mizoram Science Center. The total solar eclipse will be visible from location in the Pacific Ocean and from parts of Indonesia including Sumatra. Here in Mizoram the eclipse will be visible in the morning of dt. 09. 03. 2016.(Wednesday) It will start from 5:30 am which will be visible on 5:33 am and will last till 6:52 am. Direct observation of it is not advisable. When viewed a special type of spectacle made to observe the eclipse should be use. We can also use a pin-hole camera or welding helmet wear by welders. It also mentioned Roll film, X-ray film, sunglass, colored glasses of any kind. CD/floppy disk are not protective enough to view solar eclipses and should not be used.